How Blogger Custom Errors And Redirect Settings Works

This blogger blog feature had already been introduced before the new Google plus comment form on blogger, but I want to use this opportunity to explain how this works for those whose platform is blogger.

Blogger custom errors and redirect Help bloggers in some of these ways 
->This helps bloggers to make an html page for their deleted pages or URLs that does not exist on their blog
-->This also help to redirect pages or links you intentionally deleted to a specified page or URL 
Bellow you are going to be seeing how to actually set this thing up for your blog
Before doing any of these first of all back up your blog template
Before you could do these, you need to first of all log in to blogger with your account details
navigate to the settings page
Then access the search preferences environment 
 (Navigation: Blogger dashboard > Drop down menu > Settings >  Search preferences)

In there, you will find a heading which says "Errors and redirections" under which the various re-directional  options and tags are.

One of the options is the "Custom Page not Found"
Here you just need to Edit it and add your html scripts or code which you do like to view when a reader try to access a page which doesn't exist in your blog as explained above.
After writing or pasting the html scrip then save your changes
You can add some links here such as you blog homepage, your subscription link and others
so as search box for your reader to then search arround.
But in all this make sure that the html script is not more than 10k in character as specified bellow the form.
You can see an example here for my blog by clicking this URL

The second option "Custom Redirects"
Now now here is the one we really need to emphasize very well on
1. Click on the "Edit" link attached to it to open
by now you might had already gotten all the URLs you had deleted and where you want them to redirect to.
since you had not added any URL before it will look as empty as the image bellow.
2. In the From form box add the page directory or URL which you do like to redirect from leaving your blog domain behind but start with forward slash (/)
Example /2013/05/how-to-move-gmail-chat-to-right.html   or  /search/label/Blogger 

As you can see above I started with a slash and not my blog Domain and I didn't just copy and paste. The first page directory was a link to a tutorial how to move gmail chat to the right while the second is a directory that lead to my blog blogger trick and tutorial page where you find all tutorials concerning blogger in this blog. So this shows that you can either link to a page or a label within your blog.

3. Place the page directory or URL of a link you want to link to or redirect to leaving your blog domain as well
4. Now save with the save on blue first then one on colored background button (save changes)
If you do like to add more, click the new redirect button and still follow the above instruction.
If you do like to delete any mark with the check button attached to it and delete with the blue save link
after any of these save finally with the one on colored background save changes
Afterward, check if you did this correctly
that is all
I can't actually remember any post which I had deleted but here is a re-directory URL I created to redirect back to my blog blogger page you can actually try it out 

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