
Showing posts from May, 2013

How To Move Gmail Chat To The Right

If  you have a Google account you will automatically have access to some of these great sites like picasa, Google+, G-mail, Google doc, blogger etc. Now when you sign in to Google+ or G-mail using the Google account you had open, you will be able to chat with your friends whom add you to their circle on Google plus. The g-mail chat box normally has it float to the left hand side of your account environment but you can actually float it or move it to the right hand side of your G-mail inbox environment by using of the tools found in the G-mail labs page. This will make it look much like that of Facebook's chat and you will be learning how to do this on this page.

How The New Google+ Comment Thread On Blogger Works And How To Activate

Commenting is the best way an author can connect with his readers know what they feel about his post, what they suggest and how it has helped them. Google just introduced a new comment thread for bloggers, which looks like the Facebook comment plugin  Benefits of using the new blogger comment thread  1. if you are using this new comment thread you will read both your blogger comments and Google+ comment all in one place  2. all discussion about your blog post content will also appear on your post both the replies 3. those who share your blog post on Google plus will be shown on your blog post as comment-er. 4. your readers can choose whether they want their comment to be public, private or within their friends and many more benefit like in your blog proper optimization ( seo )

Reduce Blogger Awesome Inc Template Inner Background Column Width

Since I started blogging, blogger awesome inc template has always been my favorite template, but I hate the fact that it has a 100% (percent) width for the content column thereby not being able to add  inner background color like other template. But when I discovered that there is a way of deactivating the hundred percent width to your desirable width like the normal 960px, I haven't leave it even a bit or think of using any other blogger template below is how I reduced the width from percentage to pixels  Benefits 1. this is a way of giving you blog template a more professional look , now having the power to make the content column white or any other color and using a different color for your blogger outer background 2. you can reduce the width of the tab from 100 percent to your desirable pixel or percentage 3.  this also apply to the header and footer environment