How To Untag YourSelf From A Photo On Facebook

You know when you like or comment on a status on Facebook with an image attached to the status, the photo or image will automatically be tagged to your Facebook timeline
Also photos that some of your friends post on your timeline are found there as well
Now when a friend log in to Facebook and view your profile or timeline  he or she will definitely see those pictures on your timeline while viewing your profile, he or she may wish to click on the see all link to view all the images

This is also a simple way of removing nude images you might have liked from your timeline

Lets cut the long story short and go straight to how this can be done on Facebook
-> Go to facebook and log in with your facebook account details
-> Click on your profile image at the to right corner of your facebook home environment
you will be taken to your Facebook profile or timeline environments where you will only see your activities on facebook

-> Now scroll to the right hand side of the environment you will find a tag called photos
note this photos are the ones you were tagged into, that is photos you liked or commented on or photos attached to a status you liked or commented on and also photos which your friends posted on your timeline
-> From the pictures, click on the see all link to view all the images and look for the one you wish to remove
Bellow is one of the pictures on my timeline i removed, this is how i did it
--> scroll to the top right hand corner of the image you will find a pencil like icon with the caption Edit/Remove 
--> clicked on it, it loads
--> Then click on the Report/Remove tag option
After you might have clicked on the option a dialog box will be displayed to you asking you if you  will like to only untag your self from the image or you want to remove the image total from Facebook

Click on the first option which says "I want to untag my self" to be marked then clcik on the continue button
that is all about untagging your self from an image
note you can untag as much as you want one after the other 


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