How To Block An Email From Sending You Mails On Your Yahoo Account

Do you have someone in-boxing you mails on your yahoo account which you don't want, being a yahoo user, you will be able to block that person's email from sending spam messages to you.

Now if you have one here is a simple procedure to do it.
bellow are the steps you can follow to do that 

-> Go to yahoo website and lo-gin with the account you receive the mails with
-> after logging in or signing in, just navigate to your mail box by clicking on the mail link or image

When you are on the mail environment scroll to the top right of the environment and scroll over the settings icon which is the second icon at the top right side of the environment
while your mouse pointer is still on it, click to open the "mail option" there.    

Now on the new page is the general settings for your mails
-> Scroll to the left hand side bar
-> look for "block addresses" then click to open.
when it opens. the environment will look something like this depending on the style and color of theme  you are using for your yahoo account.

-> You can now add the email address you want to block from spamming your account on the "Add An Address" text form

-> after typing in the address, click on the + icon at the right hand side of the form, you will see it display in the next box
and that is all the email is block from spamming your account

the maximum email addresses you can block is 500



  1. Because of high spammy comments have being receiving, I've simply ignore using yahoo. But this post has really come in handy.

  2. @ Kabenlah Cudjoe thanks for appreciating
    our aim is to solve social media and internet problems of our readers just like yours

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