Block Unwanted Sites Using Fire-Force Web Browser

Looking for a way to block some sites using your fire-force web browsers add-ons, to deny access to the site is possible and very easy to do.

 Before you will be able to do this, you have to first of all search for the add ons from firefore then install. Now this is a way of doing this

-> Launch your fire-force browser software
-> click on the tools option from the menu bar then add ons
(Note make sure that you have already been connected to the internet because it uses internet connection to search and install the add ons )

-> once you are there click on the "get add ons" text and search for the word "blocksite" it loads then find it. This should be the first result among others but if its not then still look for the block site add ons

Once you see this add ons, click on the install button at the right hand side of the result. This will download and install immediately after downloading
After installation a link will be displayed to you asking you to restart your browseer now here is what you do

-> click on the link for the browser to be restarted
-> it restarts go back to tools then add ons
-> click on extension then you will see the  block site add ons you just downloaded
-> click on the option button then the option dialog box shows up
-> click on add button there to type in the site you want to block on the location text field then the site description under then ok
note you can add as many sites as possible with the add buuton and when you want to unblok all click on the clear list button then ok, but to unblock one after the other click on site url then remove  button
that is all

Note any time you try accessing this sites you have added, fire force will deny you the access unless you use another browser on your pc or you unblock them

You may also wish to see on how you can use firforce add ons to clear all your facebook message at all no matter the quantity on your Facebook account

Thanks for reading appreciate by leaving us a comment or ask your questions 


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