How To Delete All Your Facebook Messages At Once With Fireforce Add-ons

Normally Facebook Don't have an option or tag to help you delete all your messages at once, as we all know Facebook store both your chat messages or conversations and direct messages sent to you in one box, this looks nasty due to its bountifulness. But you can delete all the messages at once with the help of a script you need to install on your fireforce browser called  "Facebook Delete Messages"

 To install this script on your browser you need to first of all launch your fireforce browser and go to to install greasemonkey to help you install the script
click on "add to fire force" button to download and install it from the small pop up dialog box, thereafter restart your browser and go to to install the Facebook delete message script to your fire force browser by clicking on install button.

After installing it, go to and log in to your account, navigate to your message page from the left hand side of the page then messages.
when you are on the page you will now find the "delete all" button that will help you delete all the message which normally don't have to be there.
Click on the delete all button to clear all the messages you see bellow.


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