Notify Search Engine After Every Publish Post

If you will like to be notifying the search engine your blog is embedded on after every post you publish on your blog, here is the right post for that. This service will help your search engine to know immediately that your blog has being updated with a new post that it should go and crawl this post and index it as well.
There are so many sites that do this service online but here is the one I prefer to use, this site is called pingomatic and the service is totally free.
To do this for your blog Go to
On the site homepage you will see a form where you need to insert all your blog detail such as
  • Your blog Title
  • The RSS feed of your blog
  • Your Blog Homepage (your blog URL)
After that scroll down the page and check on the search engine you choose to notify after your blog post then click on Send Ping button at the down part of the form. That is all.


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