How To Manage Your Twitter Account

Follow, Unfollow and block some of your friend on twitter.
If you have a twitter account and you have followed some peoples and they did not follow back, here is how you can block and unfollow those users. For this tutorial am going to be using a site to show you how this works.

Explain Some Tags Please
  1. Follow: Is obvious that the most important tag on twitter to users is the follow option, when a twitter user is signed in to twitter and find the follow link or button of another user and follow, he or she will begin to receive  updates from the user whom he has followed.
  2. Block: To block means to deny access, If you want to stop some of the users who have followed you from receiving your twitter update you need to use the block option to select the user to be blocked
  3. Unfollow: If don't want to receive updates from a user you have followed, use the unfollow button or link to seize the access .
Get Started 
  • Go to
  • Sign in with your twitter account  (sign in on the pop up window that will display to your when you click on the sign in button)  
  • type in your email address you want to be notify with when a user follow and  unfollow you.
After signing in, choose from the list of options on the left side bar to to select any activity to help you start managing your twitter account such as unfollowing, following, block, the number of twitter users who have followed and unfollowd you recently
If you added your email while you were signing in always check your mail for notification of those who have followed and unfollowed you recently.
You can retweet your tweet with their service to enable your followers see it the second time.
 You can follow other members and they can follow you too.
 Check out how you can auto publish your Facebook update to your twitter wall


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