Auto Link Your Facebook Profile Updates To Twitter

Update your friends, subscribers and followers at the same time on twitter immediately you update your Facebook wall. Instead of you trying to update your twitter wall with the same post you published on your Facebook wall, you can now link those updates from your Facebook personal  profile and  your Facebook fan page to your twitter wall.
If you will want to do this follow the bellow instructions carefully and do it for your profile walls. First of all go to and log in using your Facebook account, if you are logged in already just click on the Link My Profile To Twitter button on green background.

When you click on the button, you will be taken to twitter authorize app page, where you now need to allow Facebook to have access to your twitter wall. On the page fill in the form with your twitter log in details then click on the "Authorize App" button on blue background, if you had already logged in to twitter and you did not see the log in form all you need to do is to click on the Authorize app button to allow the Facebook app to have access your twitter account.

After this you will be redirected to a Facebook page where you now need to set up things that you want to be displaying on the twitter wall when ever you publish an article on your Facebook wall. Mark all the options you want to display such as Status update, images, links, videos, notes and events with the check button attached to them all.
 Remember, only the ones you checked will display on twitter wall when you update on Facebook. Bellow the save changes button, you will see all the pages you created on your Facebook account, to link their updates to twitter, click on "link to twitter" button attached to the page you want its update to display on your twitter wall.  After all the above settings, go back to the Save changes button on blue background and click to save (Note:Only Facebook posts with a privacy setting of 'Public' will be shared on Twitter)
Now your twitter subscribers and follower can now see your Facebook updates when you publish any article on Facebook.


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