Configure Glo Internet For Mobile Phones Automatically And Maually

To Configure glo mobile internet automatically is quite easy, but am sharing with you the manual method because some smart phones don't accept the automatic method and also for glo free gprs data bundle and for an unlocked modem which you use with glo network.
Automatic Method 
Navigate to your create new message area on your mobile phone
 create message by writing "flat"
send this message to  "1234"
The message arrives then show it and save it as instructed 
Gprs Settings 
Navigate to your mobile phone Settings -> configuration
Acoount Name : Glo Gprs
APN(Acess point): glosecure
Password : gprs
Username: gprs
3G Settings 
Navigate to your mobile phone Settings -> configuration
Acoount Name : Glo 3G
APN(Acess point): gloflat
Password : flat
Username: flat


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