Transfer Airtime From Your Mtn Line To Another User's Mobile Line

Recently I posted on how to create or get your mtn transfer code or pin, now I want to show you how you can transfer the Airtime from your phone to another user's mobile line of the same network operator.

You can do this in two ways
Method 1
On your phone USSD type or dial
07062547012    Recipiant phone number
500                   Amount of airtime in naira
7678                Your secret pin
Method 2
Navigate to your create new message area and transfer it in this format
 07062547012 space 500 space 7678
 07062547012 500 7678
After you might had transferred the money or airtime to the user's mobile line you will  receive a message telling you that you had just transfer money from your account to the user in question.


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